this image shows the titel of this page: supermarket. The page gives information about shopping at a Korean supermarket in Seoul.

If you visit Seoul, please make a stop at a big supermarket. I can really recommend this! To me it was one of the most remarkable events. As everywhere in Seoul the supermarkets are crowded with people (even close to christmas German supermarkets are not so busy!) Especially the free food samples everywhere in the market I liked very much. If you enter the market with hunger, you'll leave it full. By the way you can get to know the broad variety of Korean food at the supermarket. At the bottom of this page you can watch the Seoul supermarket video to get a lively impression of a typical Korean food market.


Ich kann jedem Seoul-Besucher empfehlen, einen Besuch in einem großen Supermarkt zu machen! Für mich war es eines der beeindruckendsten Erlebnisse während meines Aufenthalts. Wie überall in Seoul sind auch die Supermärkte mit Menschenmassen überfüllt. In Deutschland sieht man so viele Kunden im Geschäft nicht einmal kurz vor Weihnachten. Dazu gibt es an allen Ecken und Enden kostenlose Probierstände der angebotenen Waren. Kommt man hungrig in den Supermarkt rein, so geht man gut gesättigt wieder raus. Außerdem sieht der Besucher auf diese Art und Weise einmal das unglaublich reichhaltige und vielfältige koreanische Essensangebot. Am unteren Ende dieser Seite befindet sich ein Seoul Supermarkt Video, in dem man einen guten Eindruck eines belebten koreanischen Supermarktes erhalten kann.



All the pictures show South Korean supermarket food in Seoul. Bilder von einem Supermarkt in Südkorea und asiatische Gerichte und Kochen und Küche.
Photo of Korean supermarket food. The meat looks delicious, but it's quite uncommon for western taste that most things have a slight sweet taste. Koreans like sweet-sour dishes very much (click to enlarge picture)
This photo shows Korean supermarket food in Seoul with free food samples. Bild von gratis Essen in einem südkoreanischen Supermarkt.
Free food samples at a Korean supermarket. At almost every corner you can get some free Korean food samples. Friendly women prepare the dishes freshly in front of the customer. Especially for tourists this is worth watching (click to enlarge picture)
This photo shows the image of Korean supermarket food in Seoul. It's more spicy than american or european supermarket food. Bild von koreanischem asiatischen Essen in einem Seoul Supermarkt.
Korean supermarket food ready to go. Freshly prepared and served in bowls. Most of the food in Korea is hot and spicy, Koreans like the red hot chili pepper! (click to enlarge picture)
Photo of a small Korean boy sitting in the shopping cart at a South Korean shopping market. Foto eines koreanischen Kindes in einem Supermarkt Einkaufswagen.
Korean child enjoying (?) the supermarket. Because of it's so busy in the supermarket, it can be very stressfull for young children. The Korean boys and girls I saw looked very tired and exhausted in the supermarket (click to enlarge picture)
Photo of supermarket stuff preparing the fres Korean food for the shoppers and customers. Seoul, South Korea. Angestellte in einem koreanischen Geschäft bereiten das Essen für die Käufer vor.
Photo of Korean supermarket food. In the background you can see some Koreans preparing the fresh food. It is full of employees everywhere. In Germany supermarkets are empty of stuff. It's hard to find someone who can help you... (click to enlarge picture)
Picture of a South Korea Seoul supermarket with freshly prepared dishes and meals for the shoppers. Markt in Südkorea mit frisch zubereitetem asiatischen Essen und Gerichten.
Photo of Korean supermarket food. Everything looks so tasty and delicious! I wished I could have dried every single meal which is sold there! On the photo you can see salads, wraps and rice cakes (click to enlarge picture)
Picture of sushi freshly prepared in a big food supermarket in Seoul in South Korea. Bilder von Sushi in einem Südkorea Supermarkt in Seoul.
Photo of Korean styled sushi being offered in a wide variety of different types. The Korean sushi is similar to the Japanese one, but the taste is better (click to enlarge picture)
Fresh food are prepared by Korean women so that the customers can buy fresh dishes and meals. Frische asiatische Gerichte werden für die Kunden im Markt zubereitet. Der Markt liegt in Südkorea.
Photo of a Korean woman preparing the fresh chicken for the shoppers of the supermarket (click to enlarge picture)
A full crowded busy food supermarket in South Korea. On the Seoul supermarket video you can see more details. Bitte schauen Sie das Video vom Supermarkt in Südkorea an!
Photo of a crowded and busy Supermarket in Seoul, South Korea. Please watch the Seoul supermarket video at the bottom of this page to get an impression of this busy market! (click to enlarge picture)
A Korean woman prepares fresh free trials of Korean food dishes inside the shop. The customers can try all meals. Koreanisches asiatisches Essen in einem asiatischen Markt in Südkorea. American food.
Photo of a woman preparing fresh Korean food samples in the supermarket (click to enlarge picture)
Picture of a Korean woman making some food for the shoppers and customers of the South Korean food market. Bild einer Frau die asiatisch koreanisches Essen und Gerichte vorbereitet.
An employee of the market is preparing dishes for the customers of the market (click to enlarge picture)
Picture of Korean seafood inside a pastry pocket. Ready to sell in a Korean big food market. Bild von Meeresfrüchten in einer asiatisch koreanischen Teigtasche. Ein Supermarkt in Südkorea.
Some seafood animals had bad luck and were caught inside those Korean pastry pockets (click to enlarge picture)
Picture of shelves full of tuna cans in a South Korean food market. Common for american and asian food supermarkets. Fotos von Thunfisch Dosen in einem südkoreanischen Lebensmittelmarkt.
Tuna, tuna...and tuna! While asian and american supermarkets sell tuna cans in a broad variety, it's still uncommon and special for Europeans to see so much tuna in a supermarket shelf... (click to enlarge picture)
Pictures of a cute Korean child sleeping in a supermarket cart trolley. Bilder von einem koreanischen Kind das in einem Einkaufswagen für Lebensmittel und Essen schläft. Bild aus Südkorea.
Korean supermarket child ^_^ (click to enlarge picture)



Watch the Seoul supermarket video:

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